How To Become The Online Dating Master – The Complete Guide (Part 2)

As we already said in the first part of this article, being an online dating master is not easy at all. Many people in the UK think that they can be extremely successful on dating sites without any preparation or an organized plan. Those people are usually rather bad when it comes to scoring dates online.

Now, we already shared some pretty useful tips with you last time, but that’s not all you need to know if you truly want to become an online dating master.

Today, we’re going to continue our complete guide, so read carefully and take notes. You are going to need them when you enter the world of cyber matchmaking.

Here are some other amazing tips on how to perfect your online dating game.

You Need To Have A Perfect Profile Picture

The profile picture is not the most important thing, of course, but it IS one of the highest priorities. Remember, people quickly form a first impression just by seeing the profile picture and you probably already know how powerful that first impression can be.

When you send someone the message, the first thing they’ll see is your profile picture and based on the photo they might decide whether to open the message or delete it. Therefore, you have to choose the best photo you have and make it your profile picture.

Pick a photo where you’re completely alone and make it a high quality. Group photos are a bad idea because people want to know how YOU look, not your friends.

Here are some other useful tips on how to pick a perfect photo:

  • Sunglasses are a HUGE NO-NO!
  • Choose a photo where you’re having some kind of fun
  • Pick a photo where you’re smiling (no one likes a grouch)
  • Always choose one of your recent photos

Be Careful While Writing That First Message

This step is equally important as the one we mentioned above, there is no doubt about that.

First of all, sending a message without first checking and carefully reading the person’s profile is a huge mistake. You need to see what they like in order to create a witty first message based on your mutual interests.

Don’t open with a physical compliment.

Yeah, everyone appreciates being told they are attractive every once in a while, but people are genuinely more interested when suitors start their first message with a funny reference from their favorite movie or a book. It shows that you’re not only interested in their physical appearance.

Always Be Positive

One of the most important rules you need to know when it comes to online dating is – no one wants to date a grouch!

That’s why it’s extremely important to always remain confident and send out positive vibes when chatting with other members. Try to be humorous and upbeat when writing your profile description because that may convince other people to contact you.